Chat en ligne avec Jumpo

Pour tous vos besoins en identité visuelle, Hashtag Media est à votre service.

1 votant

Uniquement sur rendez-vous du lundi au vendredi de 08:30 à 19:30 le samedi de 09:00 à 12:00



Concepteur d'objet sans contact pour le quotidien personnel comme professionnel.


Tél. 0484830748

Phygitalisez-vous ! Phygitalisez vos lieux et vos équipes !

Ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9h00 à 18h00.

0 votant

L'agence Miléune à vos côtés à chaque instant de la vie de votre entreprise comme de vos projets.

0 votant

En ligne 7/7 24/24



Plateforme BiDrasil, les deux destriers du temps au service de votre temps et de vos projets.


Tél. 0484830748

BiDrasil votre plateforme de solutions de gestion pour votre entreprise, vos projets et votre impact sur la planète.

0 votant

En ligne 7/7 24/24

Utilisez l'astrologie pour vous comprendre et comprendre l'autre.

0 votant

En ligne 7/7 24/24

Pour tous vos besoins en identité visuelle, Hashtag Media est à votre service.

1 votant

Uniquement sur rendez-vous du lundi au vendredi de 08:30 à 19:30 le samedi de 09:00 à 12:00

Wolf, devenir l'alpha de la meute

0 votant

Dream Team Network. Arrêtez de raconter l'histoire des autres, commencez à écrire la vôtre !

0 votant


Marignane Gignac Côte Bleue Football Club


Tél. 0410101010

0 votant

Manaï transmission, spécialiste de la réparation et de l'échange de boîte de vitesse poids-lourds mécanique, manuelle et robotisée

0 votant

Laura Andreoletti

Transformez Votre Vie !

Pour atteindre le Luxe de Vivre une Vie Riche et Accomplie.



Laura Andreoletti Coach

0 votant

Magasin de literie près de chez vous !

Conseils de Proximité
Rapport Qualité Prix
Livraison et Installation

0 votant

Vanessa Millet Coach

0 votant

Green Catchers

0 votant

( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/toni9714/jumpo/controllers/jumpoController.php on line 2763
Call Stack
10.0002475216{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0758642440jumpoController->__construct( $website = ???, $pageCible = ??? ).../index.php:4
30.1266645144jumpoController->controls( ).../jumpoController.php:42
40.1271646352generalControler->controls( ).../jumpoController.php:154
50.1271646352jumpoController->dispatchPosts( $type = 's' ).../generalControler.php:191

( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/toni9714/jumpo/controllers/jumpoController.php on line 2825
Call Stack
10.0002475216{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0758642440jumpoController->__construct( $website = ???, $pageCible = ??? ).../index.php:4
30.1266645144jumpoController->controls( ).../jumpoController.php:42
40.1271646352generalControler->controls( ).../jumpoController.php:154
50.1271646352jumpoController->dispatchPosts( $type = 's' ).../generalControler.php:191

( ! ) Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, bool given in /home/toni9714/jumpo/views/PostsView.php on line 33
Call Stack
10.0002475216{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0758642440jumpoController->__construct( $website = ???, $pageCible = ??? ).../index.php:4
30.1266645144jumpoController->controls( ).../jumpoController.php:42
40.1271646352generalControler->controls( ).../jumpoController.php:154
50.1271646352jumpoController->dispatchPosts( $type = 's' ).../generalControler.php:191
62.9536963360JumpoView->setHtmlPosts( $data = ['typePost' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...]], 'etiquettes' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...], 26 => [...], 27 => [...], 28 => [...], 29 => [...], 30 => [...], 31 => [...], 32 => [...], 33 => [...], 34 => [...], 35 => [...], 36 => [...], 37 => [...]], 'posts' => FALSE, 'mea' => FALSE, 'vc' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...]]], $type = NULL ).../jumpoController.php:2825
72.9536963360JumpoView->setHTMLFlux( $data = ['typePost' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...]], 'etiquettes' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...], 26 => [...], 27 => [...], 28 => [...], 29 => [...], 30 => [...], 31 => [...], 32 => [...], 33 => [...], 34 => [...], 35 => [...], 36 => [...], 37 => [...]], 'posts' => FALSE, 'mea' => FALSE, 'vc' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...]]], $isActivePrimary = FALSE, $isActiveMEA = TRUE, $modeCard = 'L', $activeInteractions = TRUE ).../JumpoView.php:453
82.9555968040PostsJView->setHTMLFluxPosts( $data = FALSE, $labels = [0 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 1, 'nom' => 'Santé', 'color' => '#d6d740', 'date_created' => '2021-11-20 23:02:02', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => NULL, 'is_validate' => 1, 'is_control' => 1], 1 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 2, 'nom' => 'Finances', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2021-11-20 23:02:02', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => NULL, 'is_validate' => 1, 'is_control' => 1], 2 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 3, 'nom' => 'Sport', 'color' => '#F15642', 'date_created' => '2021-11-20 23:02:02', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => NULL, 'is_validate' => 1, 'is_control' => 1], 3 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 4, 'nom' => 'Voyages', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2021-11-20 23:03:58', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => NULL, 'is_validate' => 1, 'is_control' => 1], 4 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 5, 'nom' => 'Business', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2021-11-20 23:34:01', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => NULL, 'is_validate' => 1, 'is_control' => 1], 5 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 6, 'nom' => 'Politique', 'color' => '#F15642', 'date_created' => '2021-11-20 23:34:01', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => NULL, 'is_validate' => 1, 'is_control' => 1], 6 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 7, 'nom' => 'Loisirs en famille', 'color' => '#d6d740', 'date_created' => '2021-11-20 23:34:01', 'img' => 'assets/pics/pictos/tag/loisirsEnFamille.svg', 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => NULL, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 7 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 8, 'nom' => 'Amoureux', 'color' => '#F15642', 'date_created' => '2021-11-20 23:34:01', 'img' => 'assets/pics/pictos/tag/amoureux.svg', 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => NULL, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 8 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 9, 'nom' => 'Girly Parties', 'color' => '#F15642', 'date_created' => '2021-11-20 23:34:01', 'img' => 'assets/pics/pictos/tag/girlyParties.svg', 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => NULL, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 9 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 10, 'nom' => 'Spectacles', 'color' => '#F15642', 'date_created' => '2021-11-20 23:34:01', 'img' => 'assets/pics/pictos/tag/spectacles.svg', 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => NULL, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 10 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 11, 'nom' => 'Fête des Pères', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2021-11-20 23:34:01', 'img' => 'assets/pics/pictos/tag/fetesDesPeres.svg', 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => NULL, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 11 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 12, 'nom' => 'Sport collectif', 'color' => '#F15642', 'date_created' => '2022-01-17 10:44:26', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => 3, 'is_validate' => 1, 'is_control' => 1], 12 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 13, 'nom' => 'Sport individuel', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-01-20 08:46:48', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => 3, 'is_validate' => 1, 'is_control' => 1], 13 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 14, 'nom' => 'Sport mécanique', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-01-20 08:46:48', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => 3, 'is_validate' => 1, 'is_control' => 1], 14 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 15, 'nom' => 'Sport nautique', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-01-20 08:46:48', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => 3, 'is_validate' => 1, 'is_control' => 1], 15 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 16, 'nom' => 'Lecture', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-01-24 09:06:40', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => 0, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 16 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 17, 'nom' => 'Bricolage ', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-02-11 11:03:03', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => 0, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 17 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 26, 'nom' => 'Digital', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-10-31 07:04:36', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 0, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 18 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 18, 'nom' => 'Roman', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-01-24 09:06:40', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 16, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 19 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 19, 'nom' => 'Manga', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-01-24 09:06:40', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 16, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 20 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 20, 'nom' => 'BD', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-01-24 09:06:40', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 16, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 21 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 21, 'nom' => 'Comics', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-01-24 09:06:40', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 16, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 22 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 22, 'nom' => 'Biographie', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-01-24 09:06:40', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 16, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 23 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 23, 'nom' => 'Essai', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-01-24 09:06:40', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 16, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 24 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 24, 'nom' => 'Conte', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-01-24 09:06:40', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 16, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 25 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 25, 'nom' => 'Nouvelle', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-01-24 09:06:40', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 16, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 26 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 27, 'nom' => 'Phygital', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-10-31 07:04:36', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 0, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 27 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 28, 'nom' => 'Marketing', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-10-31 07:04:36', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 0, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 28 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 29, 'nom' => 'Communication', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-10-31 07:04:36', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 0, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 29 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 30, 'nom' => 'Bien-être', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-10-31 07:04:36', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => 0, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 30 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 31, 'nom' => 'Jeux', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-10-31 07:04:36', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => 0, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 31 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 32, 'nom' => 'Cuisine', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-10-31 07:04:36', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => 0, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 32 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 33, 'nom' => 'Stratégie', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-10-31 07:04:36', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => 0, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 33 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 34, 'nom' => 'Formation', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-10-31 07:04:36', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 1, 'id_parent' => 0, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 1], 34 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 35, 'nom' => 'Mastermind', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-10-31 07:04:36', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 34, 'is_validate' => 1, 'is_control' => 1], 35 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 36, 'nom' => 'Education', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-10-31 07:04:36', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 34, 'is_validate' => 1, 'is_control' => 1], 36 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 37, 'nom' => 'Webinaire', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2022-10-31 07:04:36', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 34, 'is_validate' => 1, 'is_control' => 1], 37 => ['id_ref_etiquette' => 38, 'nom' => '', 'color' => '#0c6573', 'date_created' => '2024-02-20 01:12:58', 'img' => NULL, 'is_lifeStyle' => 0, 'id_parent' => 0, 'is_validate' => 0, 'is_control' => 0]], $types = [0 => ['id_ref_type_post' => 1, 'name' => 'actu', 'nom_long' => 'Actualité', 'utag' => 'a'], 1 => ['id_ref_type_post' => 2, 'name' => 'event', 'nom_long' => 'Événement', 'utag' => 'e'], 2 => ['id_ref_type_post' => 3, 'name' => 'chro', 'nom_long' => 'Chronique', 'utag' => 'c'], 3 => ['id_ref_type_post' => 4, 'name' => 'vc', 'nom_long' => 'Vivre connecté', 'utag' => 'vc']], $modeCard = 'L', $isActiveInteraction = TRUE, $isUpdatable = ???, $params = ??? ).../JumpoView.php:522
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Chat en ligne avec Jumpo

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